Help is available by moving the cursor above any
symbol or by checking MAQAO website.
Total Time (s) | 28.52 | |
Profiled Time (s) | 27.32 | |
GFLOPS | 142.996 | |
Time in analyzed loops (%) | 56.6 | |
Time in analyzed innermost loops (%) | 41.1 | |
Time in user code (%) | 67.0 | |
Compilation Options Score (%) | 100 | |
Array Access Efficiency (%) | 78.7 | |
Potential Speedups |
Iterations Count | 1.00 | |
Perfect Flow Complexity | 1.00 | |
Perfect OpenMP + MPI + Pthread | 1.08 | |
Perfect OpenMP + MPI + Pthread + Perfect Load Distribution | 1.09 | |
No Scalar Integer | Potential Speedup | 1.26 | |
Nb Loops to get 80% | 14 | |
FP Vectorised | Potential Speedup | 1.17 | |
Nb Loops to get 80% | 30 | |
Fully Vectorised | Potential Speedup | 1.82 | |
Nb Loops to get 80% | 41 | |
FP Arithmetic Only | Potential Speedup | 1.37 | |
Nb Loops to get 80% | 27 | |
Source Object | Issue |
▼exec– | |
○optwf_sr_more.f90 | |
○hpsi.f90 | |
○matinv.f90 | |
○distances.f90 | |
○jastrow4e.f90 | |
○optci.f90 | |
○gammai.f90 | |
○jastrowe.f90 | |
○multideterminant.f90 | |
○metrop_mov1_slat.f90 | |
○hpsie.f90 | |
○deriv_nonlpsi.f90 | |
○get_norbterm.f90 | |
○optwf_handle_wf.f90 | |
○basis_fns.f90 | |
○xoroshiro256starstar.c | |
○nonloc.f90 | |
○detsav.f90 | |
○determinante.f90 | |
○acuest.f90 | |
○random.f90 | |
○multiply_slmi_mderiv.f90 | |
○splfit.f90 | |
○deriv_nonloc.f90 | |
○jastrow4.f90 | |
○jassav.f90 | |
○bxmatrices.f90 | |
○optwf_sr.f90 | |
○multideterminante.f90 | |
○deriv_jastrow4.f90 | |
○optorb.f90 | |
○readps_gauss.f90 | |
○pot_local.f90 | |
○determinant.f90 | |
○optjas.f90 | |
○determinante_psit.f90 | |
○nonlpsi.f90 | |
○orbitals.f90 | |
○slm.f90 | |
○scale_dist.f90 | |
Application | /home/kcamus/qaas/qaas_runs/170-593-0710/uvsq/champ/run/binaries/icc_1/exec | | |
Timestamp | 2024-01-22 16:18:35 |
Universal Timestamp | 1705936715 |
Number of processes observed | 52 |
Number of threads observed | 52 |
Experiment Type | MPI; OpenMP; | | |
Machine | skylake | | |
Model Name | Intel(R) Xeon(R) Platinum 8170 CPU @ 2.10GHz | | |
Architecture | x86_64 |
Micro Architecture | SKYLAKE |
Cache Size | 36608 KB |
Number of Cores | 26 |
OS Version | Linux 6.5.7-arch1-1 #1 SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Tue, 10 Oct 2023 21:10:21 +0000 | | |
Architecture used during static analysis | x86_64 |
Micro Architecture used during static analysis | SKYLAKE |
Frequency Driver | intel_cpufreq |
Frequency Governor | performance |
Huge Pages | always |
Hyperthreading | off |
Number of sockets | 2 |
Number of cores per socket | 26 |
Compilation Options | exec: Intel(R) Fortran Intel(R) 64 Compiler Classic for applications running on Intel(R) 64, Version 2021.8.0 Build 20221119_000000 -I/home/kcamus/qaas/qaas_runs/170-593-0710/uvsq/champ/build/champ/src/vmc -I/home/kcamus/qaas/qaas_runs/170-593-0710/uvsq/champ/build/icc_1/src/module -I/home/kcamus/qaas/qaas_runs/170-593-0710/uvsq/champ/build/icc_1/src/parser -I/opt/intel/oneapi.old/mpi/2021.8.0//include -I/opt/intel/oneapi.old/mpi/2021.8.0/include -DTARGET_ARCHITECTURE=\"avx512\" -DVECTORIZATION=\"avx512\" -O3 -xSKYLAKE-AVX512 -g -fno-omit-frame-pointer -no-pie -module src/vmc -fPIC -implicitnone -finline -ip -align array64byte -fma -ftz -fomit-frame-pointer -fpp -mcmodel=small -shared-intel -dyncom=grid3d_data,orbital_num_spl,orbital_num_lag,orbital_num_spl2,grid3d_data -D_MPI_ -DCLUSTER -xSKYLAKE-AVX512 -g -fno-omit-frame-pointer -no-pie -c -o src/vmc/CMakeFiles/shared_objects.dir/basis_fns.f90.o | | |
Dataset | |
Run Command | <executable> -i vmc_optimization_500.inp |
MPI Command | mpirun -np 52 |
Number Processes | 1 |
Number Nodes | 1 |
Filter | {type = number ; value = 1 ; } |
Profile Start | {unit = none ; value = 0 ; } |