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Total Time (s) | 3.73 E3 | |
Profiled Time (s) | 3.58 E3 | |
Time in analyzed loops (%) | 83.3 | |
Time in analyzed innermost loops (%) | 80.0 | |
Time in user code (%) | 80.3 | |
Compilation Options Score (%) | 100 | |
Array Access Efficiency (%) | 88.1 | |
Potential Speedups |
Perfect Flow Complexity | 1.09 | |
Perfect OpenMP + MPI + Pthread | 1.12 | |
Perfect OpenMP + MPI + Pthread + Perfect Load Distribution | 1.21 | |
No Scalar Integer | Potential Speedup | 1.10 | |
Nb Loops to get 80% | 21 | |
FP Vectorised | Potential Speedup | 1.04 | |
Nb Loops to get 80% | 10 | |
Fully Vectorised | Potential Speedup | 1.89 | |
Nb Loops to get 80% | 21 | |
FP Arithmetic Only | Potential Speedup | 1.81 | |
Nb Loops to get 80% | 39 | |
Source Object | Issue |
▼engine_linux64_intel_impi– | |
○spmd_exchi_a_pon.F | |
○forint.F | |
○inter_count_node_curv.F | |
○r2len3.F | |
○cmain3.F | |
○r4evec3.F | |
○cdlen3.F | |
○cfint3.F | |
○inter_minmax_node.F | |
○r4def3.F | |
○i7dst3.F | |
○hist2.F | |
○ccoef3.F | |
○cbilan.F | |
○i7main_opt_tri.F | |
○spmd_cell_size_exchange.F | |
○myqsort_int.F | |
○spmd_exch2_a_pon.F | |
○shvis3.F | |
○intfop2.F | |
○i7mainf.F | |
○rbilan.F | |
○rbyvit.F | |
○rbyonf.F | |
○rgbodv.F | |
○sigeps02c.F | |
○i7ass3.F | |
○i7main_crit_tri.F | |
○spmd_i7xvcom2.F | |
○chvis3.F | |
○rforc3.F | |
○redef3.F | |
○asspar4.F | |
○forintc.F | |
○cstra3.F | |
○inter_cell_color.F | |
○vitesse.F | |
○bcs10.F | |
○rgbcor.F | |
○inttri.F | |
○i7trivox.F | |
○rgbodfp.F | |
○cderi3.F | |
○mulawglc.F | |
○i7cdcor3.F | |
○parit.F | |
○cnvec3.F | |
○ccoor3.F | |
○accele.F | |
○forints.F | |
○inter_voxel_creation.F | |
○i7for3.F | |
○i7optcd.F | |
○scoor3.F | |
○cdefo3.F | |
○rgwall.F | |
○depla.F | |
○i7cor3.F | |
○spmd_i7fcom_pon.F | |
○mulawc.F | |
○ccurv3.F | |
○dtnoda.F | |
○mmain.F90 | |
○spmd_i7tool.F | |
○timer.F | |
○i7pen3.F | |
○scumu3p.F | |
○m2cplr.F | |
○r4cum3p.F | |
○ecrit.F | |
○r2coor3.F | |
○cforc3.F | |
○layini.F | |
Application | ./../OpenRadioss/engine/cbuild_engine_linux64_intel_impi/engine_linux64_intel_impi |
Timestamp | 2024-10-14 15:57:01 |
Universal Timestamp | 1728914221 |
Number of processes observed | 26 |
Number of threads observed | 52 |
Experiment Type | MPI; OpenMP; |
Machine | skylake |
Model Name | Intel(R) Xeon(R) Platinum 8170 CPU @ 2.10GHz |
Architecture | x86_64 |
Micro Architecture | SKYLAKE |
Cache Size | 36608 KB |
Number of Cores | 26 |
OS Version | Linux 6.10.10-arch1-1 #1 SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Thu, 12 Sep 2024 17:21:02 +0000 |
Architecture used during static analysis | x86_64 |
Micro Architecture used during static analysis | SKYLAKE |
Frequency Driver | intel_cpufreq |
Frequency Governor | performance |
Huge Pages | always |
Hyperthreading | off |
Number of sockets | 2 |
Number of cores per socket | 26 |
Compilation Options | engine_linux64_intel_impi: Intel(R) Fortran Intel(R) 64 Compiler Classic for applications running on Intel(R) 64, Version 2021.13.1 Build 20240703_000000 -I/home/kcamus/POP/POP3/OpenRadioss/OpenRadioss/engine/../common_source/includes -I/home/kcamus/POP/POP3/OpenRadioss/OpenRadioss/engine/../common_source/modules -I/home/kcamus/POP/POP3/OpenRadioss/OpenRadioss/engine/share/includes -I/home/kcamus/POP/POP3/OpenRadioss/OpenRadioss/engine/share/r8 -I/home/kcamus/POP/POP3/OpenRadioss/OpenRadioss/engine/share/spe_inc -I/home/kcamus/POP/POP3/OpenRadioss/OpenRadioss/engine/cbuild_engine_linux64_intel_impi/CMakeFiles/includes_engine_linux64_intel_impi -I/opt/intel/oneapi/2024.2/include/ -module CMakeFiles/modules_engine_linux64_intel_impi -axSSE3,COMMON-AVX512 -no-fma -O3 -fp-model precise -fimf-use-svml=true -qopenmp -DMYREAL8 -DWITHOUT_LINALG -ftz -extend-source -assume buffered_io -align array64byte -DMPI -DCPP_mach=CPP_p4linux964 -DCPP_rel=00 -g -fno-omit-frame-pointer -c -o CMakeFiles/engine_linux64_intel_impi.dir/source/assembly/asspar4.F.o | | |
Dataset | |
Run Command | <executable> -i NEON1M11_0001.rad |
MPI Command | mpirun -np 26 |
Number Processes | 1 |
Number Nodes | 1 |
Filter | Not Used |
Profile Start | Not Used |